
Supporting Xingnan Primary School
Xingnan PSG supports the school through various activities and programmes.  Some of the activities and programmes are:
- Contact Time assembly
- Traffic wardens
- Science Entrée
- Cyber Café
- Recycling programme
- Fruity Friday
- Reading Assistance Programme
- CCAs (e.g., Diabolo, swimming, bowling, calligraphy, pottery)
- Learning journeys
- Mathematics Olympiad
- School Open House

- Primary 1 Orientation
- Primary 5 camp
- Heritage bus tour

From 2008 to 2011, PSG supported a total of 3024.5 event hours of school activities (average 756.125 event hours per year). In terms of man-hours, PSG contributed a total of 15023.5 man-hours (average 3755.875 man-hours per year) from 2008 to 2011.

For PSG members
 Xingnan PSG also organizes events for members. Some of these events are:
- Welcome reception for new PSG members
- PSG Annual General Meeting
- Mothers’ Day celebration
- Lunch / Social Gathering
- PSG Family Day

Xingnan PSG organizes the Mother’s Day fund-raising sales every year. A large percentage of the profits from the fund-raising sales is donated back to Xingnan Primary School to support its programmes. For example, Xingnan PSG sponsors the PSG Book Prizes that are awarded to pupils for excellent academic performance and good conduct (total $420 per year).