Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Xingnan PSG AGM 2012 on 19Jan2013

45 members attended Xingnan PSG Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19Jan2013. The Principal, Mrs Wee gave her welcoming address and update members with the school direction and new development. She shared the PSLE results which were much better than comparable schools. She stressed the important of partnership between parents and the school, the involvement of PSG provides holistic learning environment for our children.

Immediately following her speech, a simple symbolic presentation of PSG passes to the new members marked the beginning of their commitment to support the school programmes.

The Chairperson began his presentation with the Mission statement of PSG which was to provide support to the school programmes and foster good relationship between parents and teachers. He further instilled strong sense of commitment of PSG to the school. Then he reported the past one year PSG's contribution of time and effort to support the school events and activities, a total of 744.5 events hours were recorded for the year 2012.

He highlighted that the Mothers Day Fair has inculcated values of skills sharing among parents, good saving habits of children and appreciation to their parents. This activity also created opportunity for PSG to contribute back to school in a form of book prizes for good performance students.

Another major event which was held on 17Nov2012 for The PSG Family Day Fun Bowling also drew great attraction to many members and non-members with 74 families of total 300 participants turn up. The launch of Dads for Life Campaign encouraged more fathers to get involve with their children learning process.

PSG members approved the proposed amendments to Paragraph VII Clause 1 (increased number of PSG Book Prizes from 14 to 20 and reduced the amount from $30 to $20 per prize with total $400 per year). As for Clause 2 (When the surplus amount raised for the year, after accounting for all expenditures, is $501 and above, and when the PSG bank account has a balance of $10,000, PSG will donate 50% of the surplus raised during the calendar year to the school).

During the meeting, PSG Tokens of Appreciation were presented to Mdm Alicia Lye Poh Lin, Mdm Wong King Hung and Mdm Nansiah Binte Nordaim for their outstanding contributions in 2012. Long Service Awards (10 years) were presented to Mdm Nansiah Binte Nordaim and Mdm Haslina Binte Mohd Salleh. Letters of Appreciation were presented to 2012 Exco & Sub-comm members and PSG members whom children were already graduated from Xingnan.

2012 EXCO was disbanded and 2013 EXCO was elected with 14 members and 11 sub -committee members. The AGM end at 1230pm with a simple Halal lunch.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Parent Support Group (PSG)


PSG Annual General Meeting 2013

You are invited to the PSG Annual General Meeting 2013

When: Saturday 19 January 2013, 8:30am-12:00pm

Where: Xingnan Primary School

What: Annual General Meeting, Election of EXCO members

Who: All PSG members in good standing*

Halal light lunch will be served.

* In good standing: Members who have not resigned or returned their PSG badges