Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Xingnan PSG Family Day Fun Bowling 17 Nov 2012

17 Nov 2012 marked a very special day for Xingnan PSG. We not only have our usual Annual PSG Family Day Celebration, we were very honored to have our Vice Principal (Admin), Mr Lee Yong Joo to launch Dads for Life Campaign for us.

This year, we organized the PSG Family Day Fun Bowling at The Westwood Bowl, Civil Service Club (Bukit Batok). We invited Non-PSG parents to join us with the objective to encourage them to sign up as PSG members, especially the fathers. There were 72 families turned up with total 298 participants. PSG Chairperson, Mr Chris Ong, mentioned in his Opening Address that a father’s involvement in his child’s learning process will tremendously help the child especially in the area of character building. As fathers and their children bond through playing games, we hope to achieve this outcome.

The event went on smoothly with lots of laughter and cheering. Families also demonstrated their unity by donning themed clothing; some families even prepared slogans on cardboards to cheer and support their members during the game. Parent Volunteers who are not known to the participants moved around quietly to identify and nominate potential prize winners for the 10 category prizes like The Best Dress Family, The Best Cheers Family, The Most Supportive Family, etc. Photographers were busy taking pictures of individual family so that every family could have a copy of their family portrait together with 3 group photos when the school re-opens in Jan 2013. The event ended at 1215pm after Prize Presentation and Lucky Draws, the prizes of the latter being generously contributed by the PSG EXCO & Sub-Committee members.

After the launch of Dads for Life Campaign, we can expect more of father and child activities being organized to encourage more fathers to come onboard and learn together with their children.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Summary of PSG Annual General Meeting 2012

A total of 41 PSG members attended the Annual General Meeting on 4 February 2012.

PSG Chairperson (Dr Lim) thanked all PSG members for their time and efforts in supporting the PSG in building close cooperation between parents and Xingnan Primary School. He reiterated that the PSG’s main role is to support the school in its education of the pupils.

The principal (Mrs Wee) updated PSG on Xingnan’s recent achievements and new developments (e.g., new indoor sports hall). The vice-principal (Mr Quek) informed PSG regarding the plans for the school’s 80th anniversary celebrations (e.g., dinner, CIP activities).

PSG Chairperson presented the annual report for 2011. Highlights of PSG activities included the PSG 10th anniversary celebration. PSG donated $1110 to Xingnan for the PSG Book Prizes and Teachers’ Day dinner in 2011. PSG supported a total of 483 event hours of school activities in 2011. In terms of man-hours, PSG members contributed a total of 1690 man-hours in supporting school activities in 2011. From 2008 to 2011, PSG supported a total of 3042.5 event hours and contributed a total of 15023.5 man-hours in supported the school activities. The PSG Financial Report was also presented.

PSG members approved the proposed amendments to Paragraph III, Clause 12 & 13 (slight revision of sentence regarding final casting vote of PSG Chairperson during EXCO meetings) and Paragraph VII Clause 1 (increased number of PSG Book Prizes from 12 to 14 prizes as well as increased the budget for PSG Book Prizes from $360 to $420). 

PSG Tokens of Appreciation were presented to:
·         Mdm Harvender Kaur
·         Mdm Haslina Bte Mohd Salleh
·         Mdm Nansiah Bte Nordaim
·         Mr Akeem Khoo Wee Lay
for their contributions to PSG.

The inaugural PSG Long Service Awards (10 years) were presented to:  
·         Mdm Erlis Bte Muhd Thaib
·         Mdm Mandy Hsu
·         Mdm Huang Hsiu Ying

PSG members present at the AGM nominated and elected the 2012 PSG EXCO.
PSG members enjoyed a delicious lunch following the AGM.