Friday, March 4, 2011

PSG Annual General Meeting 26 February 2011

A total of 38 PSG members attended the PSG AGM on 26 February 2011. The principal of Xingnan Primary School, Mrs Wee, gave a welcome speech and also thank all PSG members for their support. Next, the PSG Chairperson presented the annual report. PSG contributed a total of 768 hours of service to Xingnan during 2010. Next, the Honorary Treasurer presented the financial report. Several Xingnan key personnel briefed PSG members regarding the school activities that require parent volunteers' assistance. Members nominated and voted for the new PSG EXCO for 2011. Members also voted to approve 3 proposed amendments to the PSG Rules and Regulations. After a delicious lunch, the AGM resumed for discussion on the PSG 10th anniversary celebrations. Members suggested several options for how PSG could celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. Members voted for the top 3 most preferred options. The new PSG EXCO 2011 will evaluate these suggestions. PSG will continue to work together to support Xingnan Primary School. PSG thank all members for their strong support and active participation.