Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2012

You are invited to the PSG Annual General Meeting 2012.

When: Saturday 4 February 2012, 9 - 11:30am
Where: Xingnan Primary School

Agenda of Annual General Meeting
1) Welcome Address by Principal, Xingnan Primary School
2) Annual Report by PSG Chairperson
3) Financial Report by PSG Honorary Treasurer
4) Presentation of tokens of appreciation to PSG members
5) Proposed amendments to PSG Rules & Regulations
5) Nomination & election of PSG EXCO 2012
6) Future plans for PSG

Light lunch will be served.  We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Annual General Meeting 2012

The Annual General Meeting 2012 is scheduled on Saturday 4 February 2012. More information coming soon!

PSG Kukup Trip 19-20 Nov 2011

A total of 82 participants have signed up for the PSG Kukup Trip. We look forward to a fun and enjoyable trip to a resort at Kukup on 19-20 November 2011.

  • Please remember to bring your passport. Check that your passport is valid for at least 6 months.
  • Meet at Xingnan Primary School by 8am on Saturday 19 November 2011. The buses will leave promptly at 8:30am  to ensure that we reach the resort on time.
  • Please refer to the programme schedule for more information.
  • See you on 19 November!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

PSG Family Day 2011 - 2 day 1 night trip to Kukup Resort, Johor

10th Anniversary PSG Family Day
19 to 20 November 2011 - 2 day 1 night Kukup Resort trip

Staying in a “Kelong” style chalet with your fellow PSG members and family. Activities includes:
1) Meals: 2 Lunches; BBQ dinner; Supper; Breakfast; snacks…
2) Island Tour, Fish Farm Visit and local produce shopping
3) There is also line dancing, fishing, Mahjong, Karaoke or group games like Guestures available for all…

PSG member S$80/pax (including spouse, parents and adult siblings)
PSG member’s children S$65/pax (under 12 years old as of 31stMay 2011)
Non PSG Member S$90/pax (Adults)
Non PSG member's children S$65/pax (under 12 years old as of 31st May 2011)

Travel Insurance NOT included, you are advised to buy your own travel insurance.

Door gifts and 10th Anniversary memento will be given out to all participating families and great lucky draw gifts to be won.


Register and book by 31st May 2011 to enjoy the above special price…

To register, a photocopy of your passport and full payment have to be made. Contact or approach any of the PSG Exco members in Xingnan Primary School for details.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

PSG 10th Anniversary Celebrations

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Xingnan Parent Support Group. The PSG which started with 5 members in 2001 now has 130 members. The dedicated PSG members support various school programmes such as Contact Time assemblies, CyberCafe, various CCAs, learning journeys, Science Entree, Science Enrichment Programme, National Day walkathon, School Open House, Racial Harmony Day and Lantern Festival celebrations. PSG members supported at least 768 hours of school programmes and activities in 2010. When the number of PSG members is considered, the total man-hours contributed by PSG in 2010 is 4231 man-hours. PSG contributed at least 1773 hours of work in supporting Xingnan's programmes and activities in 2008-2009.   

Join us as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the PSG. We are planning a number of events this year including a 2 day-1 night tour to Johor. Stay tuned for details here! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

PSG Annual General Meeting 26 February 2011

A total of 38 PSG members attended the PSG AGM on 26 February 2011. The principal of Xingnan Primary School, Mrs Wee, gave a welcome speech and also thank all PSG members for their support. Next, the PSG Chairperson presented the annual report. PSG contributed a total of 768 hours of service to Xingnan during 2010. Next, the Honorary Treasurer presented the financial report. Several Xingnan key personnel briefed PSG members regarding the school activities that require parent volunteers' assistance. Members nominated and voted for the new PSG EXCO for 2011. Members also voted to approve 3 proposed amendments to the PSG Rules and Regulations. After a delicious lunch, the AGM resumed for discussion on the PSG 10th anniversary celebrations. Members suggested several options for how PSG could celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. Members voted for the top 3 most preferred options. The new PSG EXCO 2011 will evaluate these suggestions. PSG will continue to work together to support Xingnan Primary School. PSG thank all members for their strong support and active participation.         

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Invitation to PSG Annual General Meeting 2011

All PSG members in good standing* are invited to the PSG Annual General Meeting 2011.

When: Saturday 26 February 2011, 9:00-11:30am
Where: Xingnan Primary School
What: PSG Annual General Meeting, Election of PSG EXCO members. Halal light lunch will be served after the AGM.
* In good standing: Members who have not resigned or returned their PSG badges.

All PSG members will receive an invitation letter for the AGM. Please submit your reply slip by placing it in the PSG Reply Box at the PSG room or in the school General Office before Wednesday 16 February 2011.

We look forward to seeing you at the PSG AGM on 26 February 2011.  Thank you.