Friday, November 12, 2010

PSG Family Day 2010

The PSG invites all active PSG members to the PSG Family Day on Saturday 20 November 2010 9-12noon, All PSG members who have contributed to at least one weekly school activities (e.g., Contact Time) and/or at least 2 major school activities (e.g., Learning Journey) in 2010 are invited to the PSG Family Day. This event will be held at the conference room at Xingnan Primary School. A SFE workshop will be conducted as part of the activities. A lucky draw with attractive prizes to be won will another activity. A halal buffet lunch will be served. We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Xingnan receives Outstanding Performance Award for School Family Education Programme

Xingnan Primary School is one of the schools that have conducted more than 100 hours of workshops for the School Family Education (SFE) programme for parents, staff and students at Xingnan in 2009. The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) which sponsors the SFE programme has presented Xingnan with an Outstanding Performance Award for SFE. Congratulations to Xingnan Primary School. Credit and thanks must be given to Madam Mandy Hsu who is both the Xingnan SFE Coordinator and PSG Vice-chairperson for her hard work in making the SFE programme at Xingnan a great success. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Xingnan 78th Speech and Prize Giving Day 2010

Xingnan Primary School held its 78th Speech and Prize Giving Day on 27 May 2010. It was a day when the Xingnan family (School leaders, teachers, staff, pupils, SAC, PSG & Alumni) celebrated Xingnan's successess. A total of 36 PSG members received the Friends of Xingnan Award in recognition of their excellent contributions and support to Xingnan. The PSG Book Prizes (worth $30 each) were also presented to 12 pupils for their commendable academic performance and conduct. The Xingnan Chinese Orchestra, Brass Band, Choir and International Dance team presented outstanding performances which the audience enjoyed very much. Congratulations to Xingnan.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Xingnan PSG Book Prizes 2010

PSG is pleased to sponsor the PSG Book Prizes for the 3rd year. The inaugural PSG Book Prizes were presented in 2008. The PSG Book Prizes are presented to 12 pupils for excellent academic performance and good conduct each year. Two pupils from each level (e.g., 2 pupils from primary 1, 2 pupils from primary 2, etc) are selected by the school to receive the PSG Book Prizes. Each award winner will receive a $30 book voucher and a certificate. The PSG Book Prizes will be presented to this year's winners during Xingnan 78th Speech and Prize Giving Day on 27 May 2010.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PSG Mothers' Day Sales (Fund-raising) 26-28 April 2010

Our hard-working and dedicated parent volunteers have prepared items for the annual PSG Mothers' Day Sales. Many of the items are handmade by the parent volunteers.This is a fund-raising project for PSG. Proceeds from the sales will be used to support Xingnan (e.g., PSG Book Prizes, donation to Xingnan) and PSG activities (e.g., PSG Family Day). Please visit our sales booth at the school canteen 9am-4pm 26-28 April. We look forward to your support.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Annual General Meeting 23 January 2010

The PSG Annual General Meeting was held on 23 January 2010. Mr Gau (Xingnan principal) presented some of the school's strategic plans. The chairperson, honorary secretary and honorary treasurer also presented their respective annual reports. Members elected the EXCO for 2010. PSG thanked all members for their support.